Springford Hall Hotel

  • 60 Bedrooms hotel with three radiator heating zones and DHW
  • Temperature of heating water: 70 ℃
  • Heat controlled by timers
  • Original Heat source: 240 kW oil boiler
  • Cost per kW of oil: € 0.065
  • Annual heating cost: € 27,000 


         Plant Details

  • Heat pump type: 2 x EasyMaster -75Z
  • Heating output: 62kW A7W55
  • SCOP heating: 26


Annual savings balance sheet

  • Previous oil consumption: 45,000 litres
  • Previous annual cost: € 27,000
  • Current electricity consumption: 86,000kW
  • Current annual cost: € 12,040
  • Annual savings:   € 14,960
  • Grant project support: 30%


Additional benefits are constant weather compensated heat thus increased comfort for hotel guests.


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