Cork School of Music Project – Chilling / Dehumidifying and Rejected Heat Recovery

Existing – 2 no. 600kW chillers, 2 No. 1MW boilers, and 2 no. direct gas-fired water heaters, all approaching the end of their lifespan.
Solution – 8 No. 100kW heat pump units which provide cooling (at Delta T 12>6 degrees). Chilled water is used for air conditioning and dehumidification, keeping the internal humidity of the building at 55rH throughout the year.
Typically heat would be rejected into the atmosphere with standard chillers. MT systems reuse rejected heat in LPHW circuits, serving underfloor heating and AHUs. The system also heats domestic hot water in calorifiers via Desuperheaters at temperatures exceeding 70 Degrees without compromising COP/EER of the system. Any excess heat not used in the heating system is rejected via a dry cooler.
The heat pump system works in a cascade manner achieving higher SEER than the original fixed speed, two stage chillers. Rejected heat is then ultimately a “free” by-product, offsetting gas usage of the gas boilers.
The new system brings cutting edge innovation and efficiency, by providing cooling and heating via the one fully controllable system.
All plant room is controlled by a BMS integrated in the system. The heat pump system has live online access for trouble shooting, system optimisation and data retrieval. The entire system is also integrated with Cylon BMS via BACnet.

Plant Details

  • Heat pump type:    8 x AQ180.2Z
  • Heating output:   720kW + 100kW high temperature DHW heating
  • Cooling output:  600kW
  • Combined COP and EEr:    02<9.4