Combine Heating And Cooling For Industry With MasterTherm Heat Pumps
Heat pumps can achieve signifcant savings in industries of all types and all sizes
Contact us if your business would like to learn more about heat pump technologies
Simultaneous Heating and Cooling
How to produce up to 9 kWh of usable heat and cold from one supplied kWh
It is a generally known that two biggest energy users in the industrial sector are chilling and heat production.
Chilled water is typically generated by chillers and heat by LPHW or steam boilers.
What if you could get rid of both of these and replace it with one system that is capable to provide both at the same time and use a fraction of energy?
We at MasterTherm have been providing this solution successfully for over 15 years, significantly reducing operational and maintenance costs and achieving significant CO2 savings.
Our purpose built heat recovery heat pumps can recover high or low grade heat, chill and provide up to 82 Degrees heating water all at the same time.
Combination of these can therefore achieve simultaneous COP of up 11.
There are many uses for our heat recovery heat pumps and the list sectors in which our systems can be used is very long. So far we have implemented our technology in following sectors.
Our Typical Simultaneous Heating & Cooling Plant Can Operate On The Following Bases.
Commercial Heat Pump Case – University Hospital Limerick
New Covid Critical Care Ward, installation 2020
Reference description
This rapid build Critical Care Unit was built from start to finish in just 12 weeks. MasterTherm were directly involved in the design of the heat pump plant room allowing for future expansion of the building. The system consists of 6 no. 35kW inverter driven air-source heat pumps BA60i, working in conjunction with 2 No. 75kW high temperature heat recovery heat pumps AQ75ZHX. The air source system provides all space heating for the building via UFH and Air Handling Units and also serves as a heat source for the high temperature heat pumps which serve 2 no. 1000 litre fast-recovery calorifiers at 75 degC, easily meeting the minimum HSE water temperature criteria. Even though the building is a rapid-build hospital unit, it meets new NZEB (Near Zero Energy Buildings) criteria with ease.
Heat pumps on site deliver:
Heat Pump Uses In Industry
Heat pumps can be used in all industry sectors
Simultaneous Heating and Cooling – Candy Rohatec
Implementation at one of the largest confectionery producers in the Czech Republic
The development of industrial refrigeration systems is going through a period of change, which is based on the requirements of new production technologies, legislation in the field of industrial refrigerants and the requirements for reducing energy intensity.
The Candy sweet factory in Rohatec near Hodonín is one of the largest confectionery producers in the Czech Republic. At the turn of 2017 and 2018, an extensive modernisation of the production plant took place, which required a new investment in cooling technology.
Browse our range of Industrial and Commercial Heat Pumps
Do you want to learn more? Contact us with any heat pump related query.