Climate change is an everyday reality for the world’s population. The ever-changing seasons – snow in Spring, immense heat-waves in Summer, raging storms in Winter – are just a few examples of the impact caused by climate change already. The Irish Government’s Climate Action Plan is to reduce its carbon emissions by 30 percent between 2021 and 2030 and lay the foundations for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, it is important to realise that each person living in Ireland also needs to play their part, to change and reform their habits and to help  create a healthier and more sustainable environment for generations to come.

There are many factors to consider, in this article we have focused on the three main elements contributing heavily to climate change today.


Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels are the main source of energy used throughout the world today. We know these as oil, coal, gas, and petroleum. They are formed deep within the earth and are a finite resource. The main issue around fossil fuels arises when they are burned as they create air pollution and CO2 emissions which are slowly warming up our planet. We will eventually run out of these fuels as they are limited in supply and are not renewable. We need to find other ways to power our homes, businesses, and buildings into the future.


CO2 Emissions

CO2 emissions are produced by the burning of fossil fuels through transportation and are also produced naturally by animals and humans. These C02 emissions get trapped in our atmosphere. This layer of C02 traps the sun’s heat and retains it in the earth’s atmosphere. This increases the temperature on the Earth’s surface and causes the melting of icecaps, flooding, and drought. Because of our high production and consumption rates, we have increased our CO2 emissions heavily and this is the most damaging factor to climate change.


Deforestation is happening globally as we create more land for farming and construction. Deforestation is the permanent removal of forests and natural resources and causes serious harm to our biosphere. Trees and greenery not only provide homes for animals but they consume CO2 and excrete oxygen. This is an incredibly important process as trees lower CO2 emissions and create oxygen for all living things.

Although it might seem daunting and impossible to overcome, every step towards reducing your carbon emissions, no matter the size, is incredibly important for a better planet. At MasterTherm, we manufacture Heat Pumps for all categories of use, ground source, air source, and water source. Heat Pumps absorb heat from natural sources, such as the air around us and the ground beneath our feet and then convert this to energy which can be used to heat our buildings. Such a simple, cost-effective and renewable way to make your home or business more eco-friendly and reduce your fossil fuel intake and carbon emissions.

About MasterTherm

Our research and development teams continually advance the functionality of our installations. Our industry-leading heat pump technology meets the ever-demanding and changing requirements of compliance that are a driving force for 2021 and 2030 targets for the reduction of carbon emission and fossil fuel use globally. Heat pumps can be used in all manner of buildings from residential homes through to large industrial and commercial buildings, factories and warehouses. We have installed over 6,000 systems around the world to date.


If you are interested in finding out more about how a heat pump solution could benefit your home or business, get in touch with us on 01 899 1721.